2025 Major Project:
ViewSonic Interactive Classroom Screens
The foundation's gift of screens last year was welcomed by administration and staff. As the school's goal is to put an interactive screen in every classroom, the foundation is once again
sponsoring the purchase of ten screens at a cost of $2,000 each. Follow the link below for full details on this year's project.
You can contribute to this project by clicking the Donate button or mail a check to our P.O. Box address. All gifts are tax deductible and will be acknowledged as such.
Saturday, February 8th was a festive evening as we celebrated the Foundation's accomplishments of the past year and honored the latest MVTHS Distinguished Alumni:
Linda Sanders · Class of 1980
Norma Fairchild · Class of 1951
Entertainment was provided by MVTHS Pep Band and Orchestra including several solo performances. Cedarhurst was a beautiful venue for the event and Cindi's Catering served a delicious
meal. Desserts were provided by the MVTHS culinary class.
In addition to receiving a Distinguished Alumni plaque, a bench was dedicated in Norma Fairchild's honor. It will be placed on campus to recognize her many contributions to the school over
the years.
Special thinks to corporate sponsors Peoples National Bank and Banterra Bank. We hope that you enjoy the following photos from the event, and that you will plan to join us for the 2026
Annual Dinner!
Recently the MVTHS Class of 1974 held its 50 year reunion. As part of the celebration the class collectively donated $2,500 to the Foundation. The board of directors is always
appreciative of donations from reunion groups. Let us know of your upcoming Class Reunion by emailing board@mvthsfoundation.org. We will gladly provide a speaker for your event and/or
brochures outlining the mission of the foundation. Thanks to The Sentinel for coverage of this donation.
Download our Brochure
Learn more about the MVTHS Foundation by reviewing our Brochure. Read about our history and previous Major Projects since inception in 2005.
History & Mission
The Mount Vernon Township High School Foundation was formed in 2005 to promote excellence in education at MVTHS. Since inception, we are pleased to report the following achievements:
View our updated 2022-23 Annual Report
It was a great year for the Foundation. We contributed $18,406 to MVTHS last year!
A portion of every purchase that you make at Kroger will be donated to the MVTHS Foundation by linking your Kroger Plus card to the code number
Please register today by clicking this link!